How we can save

Ashton Court Mansion

The current state of Ashton Court Mansion

See how the building has fallen into disrepair

Bristol City Council recognise that they don’t have the funds or capacity to take the project on and are proactively looking externally for a solution.

See how this magnificent building has suffered over the recent years and learn from news reports of the scale of the challenge.

You can take a tour through the building with our 3D Tour and see photos of the extensive damage to understand more about the urgent need.

ACM disrepair 1

The development plan

How is the project structured and who are the collaborators

The Ashton Court Mansion (ACM) Project is being undertaken by the new board of the charity Bristol Historic Buildings Preservation Trust (BHB). The ACM Project is aiming to fully refurbish the mansion and create a vibrant and sustainable life for the building for the enjoyment of the community of Bristol and visitors alike.

An Advisory Group will include representatives from significant organisations that we want to connect to ACM and contribute to the direction of the project.

Specialist Working Groups will attend to a number of individual project areas that are crucial for the heart and soul of Ashton Court Mansion.

Who are we?

The board is growing. Would you be interested to join us? Hear more about out aims

The project group are passionate about restoring Bristol’s historic buildings for the benefit of all Bristol’s residents and visitors. We have an initial board but are on the lookout for people who are keen to add their experience and skills to this group. 

Board members each bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge around the restoration of historic buildings and the creation of vibrant event spaces ensuring people not only enjoy these buildings but crucially they become financially self sustaining.

BHB story

Bristol Historic Buildings (BHB) track record

How BHB has developed heritage buildings over the last 15 years

From humble beginnings restoring a Wesleyan chapel in the north of Bristol, BHB has grown in experience and breadth of projects.

Having recently restored The Mount Without, previous projects have included the Grade I Kings Weston House and Grade II The Lamplighters pub.